Creepy rooms

When I was little, I use to enjoy playing in Mom & Dad’s bedroom.  It was in the back of the house with a large sliding glass door and a walk in closet.  When I turned 4 I went into the room and heard several people talking. Suddenly I felt as if someone turned towards me and using my name asked “Isn’t that right … ?” Everyone was at my uncle’s place so I ran from the room crying. For years every time I got within several feet of the door my stomach would tighten up and I would have a panicked feeling. This went on until during my college years my dad developed tumors on his brain and died several months later in that same room. The feelings about the room vanished and I could go in the room again.

2 thoughts on “Creepy rooms

    • Thank you. I don’t post often but will have some more later. Yes, (Re: Nordic Guardian) I was told he does watch over me. and I do believe (Re: Haunted Crossings) I do believe that Grandma and I had shared energies, though it was my other Grandma (Dad’s mom) who I believe had the really abilities. We don’t know her parentage, she was adopted as a little girl about the same time they were giving away Indian Children. A judge adopted her and her brother. The information ORIGINALLY read “Farmer Morey had to give his children up for adoption due to a new marriage.” Many years later that is no longer listed on any papers I have found since. The photo I have of her looks like she is dressed in the clothes they gave the Indian children and my dad looked Indian though no one will admit it. I believe she might have been (if she had remained with her real parents) a Shaman, medicine woman.

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